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All-inclusive plans
Packages include all-inclusive hotel and festival pass.
The best option to save and enjoy the festival to the fullest.
Mandatory minimum stay of 4 nights:
Check In Thursday 7 Nov - Check out Monday 11 Nov
Prices per person in USD, To book an all-inclusive package click here
Includes accommodation at the hotel venue with an all-inclusive plan (unlimited food and drinks) + all the festival activities indicated in silver on the calendar.
"Plus complimentary Silver Pass for our sister event, Salsa Maya"

Promo: Get a free upgrade to Gold pass.
+ 1 gift pass to our sister festival Salsa & Bachata Maya Fest
Includes accomodation at the host hotel with an all-inclusive plan (meals and unlimited drinks) + all festival activities + all master classes
"Complimentary Pass for our sister event, Salsa & Bachata Maya Fest"

All Festivals Silver
Includes 9 or 10 nights of accommodation at the host hotel with all-inclusive plan (unlimited food and beverages) + all silver activities of the three festivals Tango Maya, Salsa & Bachata + Lindy & Balboa Fest.

Special Promo: Get a Free upgrade to Gold pass at all festivals
Save up to 600 usd

All Festivals Gold
Includes 9 or 10 nights of accommodation at the host hotel with all-inclusive plan (unlimited food and beverages) + full gold access to all activities of the three festivals Tango Maya, Salsa & Bachata + Lindy & Balboa Fest + access to all classes of each festival.

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